Quinn and Abbie (Moss) Miller’s (WC ’13) romance blossomed in elementary school.
How many years have you been married? 2.5 years
When did you first meet? We first met in third grade. Quinn told me he liked my rainbow belt as we were lining up after recess. I secretly started crushing on him in fourth grade! He started crushing on me in fifth grade but I wouldn’t give him the time of day. He then crushed on me again in seventh grade where I again did not give him the time of day. Our crushing finally aligned freshman year of high school. He asked me to be his girlfriend on April 10, 2010, after we saw a movie at Rave Motion Pictures!
When was your first date? Our first date was supposed to be WC’s Winter Event but I was too nervous and did not talk to him while we were there. Our actual first date was around Valentine’s Day 2010 at the movie theatre! We saw the movie Valentine’s Day and now we watch it every year together!

What do you know about God now that you didn’t know before you were married? We have always known this but truly began to fully trust God and know that He will lead us where He wants us. We have moved to various states and jobs since being married and learned to lean on Him whether to make those decisions or not and truly felt peace with every direction He took us. We will continue to do this! We also see this when we look back on our lives together as we broke up for about a year and God lead us back to each other and we are so thankful He did!
What advice would you give those hoping to marry one day? First off, find a partner who loves Jesus and wants to raise your kids in a home surrounded by Him. Find a partner that is honest with you and pushes you to be your best self even and isn’t afraid to do so. Find someone who is there for you through good times and bad! This includes having a baby during a pandemic and helps you through it all! Find someone you love more and more every day and don’t get sick of them even on bad days.