Lower School Service-Learning Day

Lower School students learn about service in Chapel, follow up with meal packing and card ministries
Last week, our Lower School students focused on service during their Chapel time. Both sets of students had the opportunity to participate in a service-learning opportunity after the message.
Grades K-2: Lifewise Academy Card Ministry
Our K-2 students heard from Lifewise Academy during their Chapel time. Lifewise is a ministry that shares the message of Jesus with students in public schools.
Afterward, students took time coloring cards that will be shared with students in the Lifewise program as an encouragement that Jesus loves them.
Grades 3-6: Lifeline Christian Mission meal packing
During their Chapel time on Thursday, our 3-6 grade students heard about the great work of Lifeline Christian Mission. LCM packages meals shipped globally in 40-foot containers to children and families impacted by hunger and malnutrition.
Then, on Friday, Lifeline brought their operation to us! Students in grades 3-6 packed meals – they scooped, weighed, sealed, and packed 1,296 bags of food, which will provide 7,776 meals for families in need across the globe. The LCM leaders had so many compliments for our students and volunteers.
Afterward, students debriefed with Dr. Hayes, Dr. VanDop, or Mrs. Root, reflecting on what they did, why it mattered, and what we do now. Students knew they packed meals, but through discussion, they identified the difference this made in the lives of needy people, giving them hope through these meals and ministry.