Now Recruiting Volunteers for 2024-25

Opportunities abound to build connections and community.
We are ramping up for next school year . . . already! Volunteer for GREATER things: Embracing Community through Service is a schoolwide initiative to promote connections and community through volunteerism. Serving is one of the best ways to deepen one’s sense of belonging. And did we mention it’s fun too?!
You spoke. We listened.
The importance of community and belonging was a theme that emerged during the 18 months of conversations, surveys, and focus groups that influenced Worthington Christian’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan: GREATER things. In response, the Parent-Teacher Fellowship is leading an initiative to assist in growing community and belonging. The PTF was first introduced in 1984, and it has adapted and evolved over 40 years to meet the school’s needs. But the heart of the PTF has always been “building strong parent-to-parent relationships and parent-to-teacher connections.”
There’s A Place for YOU!
A Volunteer Hub has been created by the PTF, which includes volunteer opportunities that range from leadership roles to event day helpers in athletics, arts, on each campus, and more! Don’t see an opportunity that fits your skill set or schedule? Let us know.
It’s Not Too Early.
Summer break is in our sights, but we encourage you to take just a few minutes to visit the Volunteer Hub and express your interest by submitting the Volunteer Interest Form. There’s a place for everyone to Volunteer for GREATER things.