Read On!

A system of volunteers support the Lower School library.
Over the years at Worthington Christian, a cumulative investment of time, organizational skills, and passion for literacy has created an ongoing legacy for students in the Lower School.
Lower School Librarian Johanna Mousa values the opportunity to evaluate and provide books that are “wholesome, educational, and consistent with values of a biblical worldview.”
The Lower School library recently saw a significant restructuring of its 18,000 items from three original libraries into Upper and Lower School libraries. Mousa and Volunteer Coordinator Jackie Diedrich are both quick to acknowledge the work of preceding Lower School librarians Marti Alt, Patti Hayer, Linda Hall (all now retired), as well as Natalie Minch, who oversaw the merger of the libraries during the 2020-21 school year.
Lower School students visit the library in their building during their weekly “specials” rotation. Diedrich thoroughly enjoys her role as coordinator: “I especially love the organizational aspects,” which include scheduling the parent volunteers to provide approximately four per class, and who undertake such roles as helping to check out books for students, account maintenance, shelving books; and cataloging books entering the system.
Diedrich also enjoys encouraging reading and helping students discover “[that] you get yourself into someone else’s world and see through someone else’s eyes and experience.”
A wide range of reading levels, categories, and genres are represented in the Lower School library: from picture books to popular animal stories, from graphic novels (such as the Dog Man series) to historical fiction (including the Girls Survived and I Survived) series and nonfiction books on the topic of various sports.
The Lower School library also subscribes to the Junior Library Guild, which provides recommendations of books for review and incorporation into the library’s collection.
The library also supports the Accelerated Reading program, which provides recommendations of leveled books for students based on their reading ability; students can earn points and rewards for their completed reading, starting in second grade.
lower school library fun facts
- Each week, more than 40 parent volunteers contribute to the organization and ongoing smooth operation of the library.
- Over 2,000 books are checked out weekly from the Lower School library.
- Among the most popular books and genres are animal stories, the Dog Man series (graphic novels Mousa describes as favorites because they are “crazy!”), the Weird School series, and the Lego and Star Wars series. Students also gravitate towards the Geronimo Stilton series (translated from Italian), which features a rat detective!
- Families can celebrate their child’s birthday through the Birthday Club by making a $15 donation to have a book donated in their child’s name. The birthday student then has the privilege of being the first to check out the book.
From early readers to carefully selected young adult titles, a book engages every imagination and reading level. Many thanks to the army of volunteers who give their time and efforts to make the Lower School library the oasis that it is for students.
Library volunteer sign-ups occur each summer, but if you’re interested in volunteering in another area of the Lower School, you can contact Suzanne Homoelle.