With our words and actions everyday, we are ushering in some kind of kingdom. We each have a throne at the center of our lives. We often fill our lives with good things, and perhaps even put good things on the throne of our lives. But good things can’t handle what ultimate things are supposed to fill. Only one person–Jesus–can rightfully take that seat.
The Kingdom of God, with Jesus at the center, is the most beautiful thing we can possibly wrap our lives around. Jesus left his throne and came to earth to live amongst us. He came not as a conquering hero, but as a suffering servant. His Kingdom is not a location or the possessing of a land, rather it’s the animating and moving of a group of people in the direction they ought to go. The beauty of God shapes the people of God, moved to act by the beauty of the One who calls us His.
Upper School Christian Studies and Social Studies teacher Adam Heath continued the chapel series on the Lord’s Prayer today, sharing these thoughts on what it means to pray “Your Kingdom come.”