An informative list of tips to kick off the 2022-23 school year
Whether you’re a to-do list-making type or more of the “wing it” type, this time of year can be especially challenging to keep up with all the school things. The great news is that we will all make it through the next few weeks! We will find our school groove and get into a rhythm. Here is a list of 50 things (in honor of WC’s 50th Anniversary!) you can do to help yourself get there smoothly and as prepared as possible.
[Disclaimer: This is not necessarily a comprehensive list, and they are not listed in order of importance. These action items have been collected from WC’s communications channels, Lower School and Upper School Announcement pages, and calendar. Hopefully, it brings all of this helpful information into one condensed list.]
- Add money to your student’s WC lunch account (via the FACTS portal). Your kids and the lunch staff will thank you.
- Check the lunch menus for August and September (available on the school’s website and app). Bosco sticks, tater tots, sherbet—your kids will want to know what to look forward to!
- Double-check your school supplies lists (grades K-6 lists, grade 7 list, grade 8 list, grades 9-12 list) and grab those last-minute items. Pencils, binders, erasers, oh my.
- There’s a new app in town. Download the FACTS Family app, the new and improved replacement of the RenWeb app (Upper School students find schedules there; Lower School students find class lists there).
- For students driving their own vehicle to school (hopefully this only applies to Upper School students), purchase a parking pass. (These can be purchased at the office for $10 after the first period or during study hall.)
- Attend your respective orientation. (Lower School students—all students in grades K-6 can meet their teachers on Tuesday, August 16—bring those school supplies you checked off from #3; Upper School seventh grade and new student orientation on Thursday, August 11, and Curriculum Night for students in grades 7-12 on Tuesday, August 23)
- Order new uniforms. This year, all school uniforms must bear the new school logo, adopted in June of 2019. Although the school administration has extended the use of uniform shirts with the old school logo until October 21, you must ensure a stock of new-logo uniform shirts is ready to go by then. These shirts must be ordered from Land’s End or School Closet.
- Check out the Warrior Warehouse to stock up on school swag (all with the new logo on it, of course) before August 15. Students often like to wear these for out-of-uniform days.
- Check-in with your student about their summer reading assignment (fifth grade and up).
- Check the shuttle bus schedule to help cut down on your morning or afternoon commute.
- Complete all of the necessary Final Forms.
- Subscribe to WC text alerts by texting the word SUBSCRIBE to 888-665-2052. Then save the number as “WC Text Alerts.” This system is used in the event of an emergency, power outages, school closings, and delays.
- If your Upper School student plays a fall sport, picture day is coming up quickly (August 15 and 16). Make sure you check the schedule and fill out the necessary form.
- Lower School Dads: Connect with DadLab for encouragement, support, and possible donut opportunities.
- Follow WC’s social media channels: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
- Subscribe to the WC “Navigating Your Child’s Education” blog that best fits your season of parenting.
- Subscribe to WC’s “Navigating Your Child’s Education” podcast, featuring authors, researchers, and people of influence in parenting and education.
- Want to attend a Warrior athletics event? All tickets must now be purchased online through Hometown Ticketing. Season Athletic passes are also available.
- Lower School Moms and Dads: Register for your respective Marmon Valley experience. Ride a horse, eat a s’more, make new friends.
- Want to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a “lunch lady“? There may be a spot for you as a cafeteria volunteer this very year! Interested in serving the WC faculty and community in other ways? Contact the Parent-Teacher Fellowship!
- Pray for WC’s students. Nearly 950 students in grades K-12 will fill our classrooms this year—pray for open hearts and minds as they grow.
- Pray for WC’s faculty. Both new and returning faculty have much to prepare for in the coming days and weeks.
- Pray for WC’s staff. From food service workers to office staff, school nurses to facilities personnel, many invaluable roles keep the school going. Pray for each of these indispensable individuals.
- Pray for WC’s administration. The new Head of School and new Assistant Principals at the Upper School and Lower School covet your prayers for wisdom and clarity.
- Take three deep breaths. We’re halfway there! Livin’ on prayer (see #s 21-24)!
- Read the handbook (Upper School Handbook, Lower School Handbook). We know…it’s a lot. But it is worth looking through as you become familiar with the school’s policies and procedures.
- Subscribe to and customize the school calendar. It’s not a glamorous job, but the payoff will be worth it.
- Check out WC’s athletic calendar. It’s a different ball game than the All-School Calendar.
- Download the WC App.
- Upload your first day of school pics to the WC Photo Gallery (via the WC App you recently downloaded).
- Familiarize yourself with the new school traffic patterns (especially Lower School families).
- Register for busing or your payment-in-lieu of busing (with your local public school’s website).
- Save the date: October 14 will be the annual All-School Tailgate event involving a special celebration of the school’s 50th anniversary.
- Sign up for the Worthington Christian School Parent Group on Facebook.
- Read ThisWeekWC for the latest news, announcements, and information.
- Save the Attendance Hotline number on your phone: 614-410-4343.
- Bookmark the Warrior Café website to place a curbside pick-up order online once the school year begins.
- School picture days will come up fast. Save the dates: Upper School picture day is August 23, and Lower School picture days are August 30 and 31.
- Sleep. Well-rested parents and students make for a happier life and facilitate growth and learning.
- Set early alarms for the first days of school—take note of new start and end times at the Upper School (8:20 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.).
- Plan for well-rounded breakfasts to jump-start each day of learning (and entice sleepy students out of bed).
- Complete and submit the medical authorization form if your child will need any medication during the school day.
- Get to know WC’s new Head of School, Dr. Mike Hayes, by watching his introductory video.
- Stay home—if your child is sick, keep them home for the appropriate time. This will help to ensure the health and safety of everyone.
- Check out WC’s new history wall, located in The Hogue Commons.
- Show your Warrior spirit as you drive–get a WC car magnet or sticker from your campus office.
- Allow time for adjustment for your student and the many new faces around WC’s campuses. We are all on this journey together.
- Look for ways to extend grace. There are ample opportunities for confusion and frustration, from traffic patterns to changing schedules. Seek to extend grace, especially in the more challenging moments of the new school year.
- Contact your campus office with any additional questions.
- (Try to) savor it all. The 2022-23 school year will only start once—take time to pause and savor the big and small moments with your student.